Monday, April 18, 2011

Who ownes the oceans minerals...

  Today and last Friday we had to get in to groups of four and debate about who owns the minerals from the oceans and who should get them. We had very strong opinions about who the ocean's minerals belong too for example Luka said the minerals should go to the people who can afford it and that life is business! On the other hand I said that they should get a grip and realize that the minerals are everyone and just because the other country doesn't have the money to buy the minerals it doesn't mean they have nothing to offer. Another choice is just to trade, the rich country does not always have all the minerals  that the less fortunate country ha and that is were the trading come in. We also had very strong opinions on what happens as a cause of underwater and surface mining. We said that underwater mining lets out pollution which kills a type of fish that is eaten by another that is eaten by another fish and so on and on and that destructs the food chain which leads to death and or end of man kind. And surface mining when they commit the process of deforestation for mining they should plant all the trees and plants back to be able to come back there again to more minerals. For example when a little boy plays with neatly organized toys he off course makes a mess to be able to play properly with it again he has to put everything back in to place. I think our group did really well and we were barely off track. I extremely liked this activity and would love to do it again. 

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