Friday, January 14, 2011

This Week We Learned...

 This week we learned about the earth's crust and caves from the 2 Bill Nye videos we watched in class. The earth's crust is actually very thin comparing to the other layers Everything we see or even is too small to see is on the earth's crust. Scientists predict that the core is made of iron and is roughly 1500°c.Then comes the outer core and the mantel. The mantel is 1200°c. No one has ever drilled to the center of the earth so no results that are found are really accurate. 
 Then we learned about the caves they have a lot of  stalagmites which very slowly drip drop on to the ground and slowly become stalactites. Both are full of minerals.  Many different animals and insects live in caves there are 3 types: Tragloxenes- cave visitors, Troglyphines- Cave lovers, Troglodytes- cove dwellers. 
 I would really like to learn all of those things, because it would be interesting to learn how rocks get their look, how people find rocks, how they mine is it dangerous, What happens to caves after they are done mining, are there people living in side the earth, what to do when a volcano erupts, how far did humans go underground?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Maryam,
    Just one correction: Stalactites hang from the top of the cave and stalagmites grow up from the bottom.

    Good summary of what you learned this week and I love all of your inquiries. hopefully I can help you discover answers to your questions in the next few weeks.
